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Nobody Does Hoodoos Like Bryce Do

Writer: Sharon and Michael BriggsSharon and Michael Briggs

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

Bryce Canyon National Park that is. An unusually snowy May in Bryce.

Our new home base was Panguitch, UT.

We drove into Bryce Canyon on a Friday, hoping there would be less people than on Saturday. The closer we got the more low hanging clouds we saw. Then the further we ascended we started seeing snow and before we got to the top we saw a heavy coating of snow on everything.

See more pictures and video clips at our YouTube channel:

Saturday we stopped at the visitor center at Red Canyon and found out about scenic byway 12 and decided to do that drive Sunday. Then we went to Ruby's (there's a Ruby's motel - Best Western Plus, and a Ruby's campground and Ruby's store and restaurant, etc.) to eat breakfast.

From the Mossy Cave Trail

We decided to do the Queen's Garden trail. I got down 2 or 3 levels and started to feel some uncomfortable twinges warning me of IBS. So we climbed back out. After awhile we left to go back to the Crusader but we had to go to a rest stop bathroom on the way - thank goodness I didn't try to finish that trail.

I was better by the time we got back to Red Canyon so we did the Hoodoo and Pink Ledges Trails.

Cliff Chipmunk

Sunday we had the breakfast buffet at Ruby's and then started driving scenic Byway 12. I drove. Maybe that influenced me but the drive/scenery seemed underwhelming until we got to a really high, really narrow part of the road. It felt like we were driving on such a high narrow road you could just fall off. We made some stops at visitor centers and scenic pullouts. We stopped and had lunch at the Burr Trail Grill. I had a Thai burger and a piece of caramel apple pie. I started driving back but about halfway got pretty sleepy so Michael finished driving back.

Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument

Monday we went back into Bryce to do Queen's Garden trail again. This time I made it to the end and back - but coughing a lot because those bronchitis coughs really hang on. I was questioning whether it was "worth it" or not - because we've already seen so much great stuff how could it be better?

The Queen from the Queen's Garden Trail

The Queen's Garden

Before going back to the Crusader trailer we decided to do the Mossy Cave trail. Mossy Cave itself was pretty un-exciting. I had seen it on a TV show called Motion. They visited it in the winter and it was full of stalactite - looked more interesting. However, there is also a falls in the area which was good. And I probably enjoyed the trail the most because you cross the Tropic Ditch and I got a picture of it with some hoodoos which made for a really nice photo.

Pronghorn Antelope

Tuesday we decided to see Cedar Breaks National Park. I didn't know much about this park so I was excited to see it. Once again, the closer we got the more and more snow we saw on the ground. Being someone who lives at sea level I just don't think about the conditions at a higher altitude. Cedar Breaks is at about 10,000 feet. By the time we got up there I was stunned to see a very thick coating of snow everywhere with signs and trees sticking up out of it.

Cedar Breaks - we can't turn left into the park!

We stopped at the stop sign and turned on our left turn signal, looked right, and then started turning left but then stopped abruptly. What?! Look - the road is covered in snow - not plowed. We were going nowhere. Stunned we decided to turn right and drive for awhile still wanting to look at the snow. Not far ahead was Brian Head which is apparently a ski town because there were a lot of ski lifts. I guess the middle of May isn't still ski season so it looked like a ghost town - full of snow.

Natural Bridge

We went all the way to Cedar City to the Walmart there. We shopped. We hadn't been to a Walmart or any store of similar size for a couple of weeks. We missed having all those choices.

Wednesday we knew we would be leaving our RV Park the next day so we started making calls to reserve a spot in Moab. We were getting too close to Memorial Day to be able to pick and choose where we would stay in a place as popular as Moab so it took us most of the day to figure out a new plan. The new plan was to stay here in Panguitch another week and then spend a week heading toward Moab and stay just north of there in Thompson Spring instead. That works out because if you are going to sit somewhere awhile spending time it might as well be in an inexpensive park here in Panguitch.

We spent awhile Thursday working on our plans too and looking for trails to do in the parks. And I think we might have done laundry too.

Friday I worked a little in the morning and then Michael decided we should go to Bryce and eat lunch at the lodge there. I love hanging out in the National Park lodges so let's go! As we started driving into the park the snow began .... it didn't seem like there would be snow at all when we left the trailer 30 minutes earlier! It as really pretty. We ordered open faced meatloaf sandwiches with mashed potatoes. Comfort food for a chilly wet day. So beautiful watching the snow from inside the cozy lodge.

After that we looked in the gift shop and then went to Ruby's gift shop. There I got a star shaped geode and a yummy hot cappuccino. Then we drove around looking for pronghorn antelope and I saw it coming in the sky. A wave of darkness with blowing white stuff at the leading edge. We pulled over in a parking lot for a minute while it washed over us - more snow. Then we decided e would head back to the trailer.

Saturday we thought the weather was not going to be good so we did laundry and chores. Around 4:40 we went to the KOA and got propane. On the way back we stopped and got a shake at Henrie's drive-in. Michael got marshmallow carmel and I got carmel.

Sunday we thought we would go to the park but then we saw the forecast. High of 47 with a feels like of 38 and windy and rainy. So we decided to go to the Bryce Canyon Pines restaurant. We had seen on their sign they had homemade soup and pie. We started driving there and somewhere along the way the biggest snowflakes I ever saw started falling from the sky. Wow - it came down heavy and was covering everything of course. We got to the restaurant and found out there was a 45 min wait - they must have been short handed. I got ham on grilled cheese and a cup of tomato soup. I was going to have boysenberry pie but all they had was blueberry and strawberry banana. So we decided to get it another day.

Cliff Chipmunk

Monday we went back to Bryce but parts of it was closed. It was snowing/sleeting/hailing/who knows. We drove around the parts we could and then went grocery shopping. We also stopped at Bryce Canyon Pines to get our pie to go.

Fairyland Canyon

Tuesday I had to work in the morning and then it was raining. We ate our pie from yesterday for breakfast.

Another Snowstorm on the Way!

What kind of bird is this?



This is the week before Memorial Day!!


We stayed in Paradise RV Park in Panguitch, UT as a home base for Bryce Canyon. We stayed there 2 weeks. Initially we didn’t intend on staying that long but our next move was going to be Moab which was booked up for Memorial Day. Paradise had minimal amenities but was only about $114 a week. There was a bathroom but I’m not convinced I would want to use the shower. There was a laundry room. The WIFI did not work for us. Management was not on property, we just slid a check into a slot in the door. The water, electric, and sewer worked fine.

Day 1: We drove all the way to the end of the scenic drive and on the way back out stopped at the viewpoints.

Day 2: Stopped at Red Rock Canyon to gather info and then drove to Bryce and stopped at Ruby’s for breakfast. Stopped at Red Rock on the way back and walked the Hoodoo trail and Pink Ledges Trail.

Day 3: Today we drove Scenic Byway 12 through Escalante National Monument.

Day 4: Went to Bryce and walked the Queen’s Garden Trail. Drove to the Mossy Cave area and walked the trail there.

Day 5: We drove to Cedar Breaks planning on visiting it but it was still snowed in. So we kept driving to Cedar City and shopped at Walmart.

Day 6: This was a work day for me – stayed home.

Day 7: This is when we realized Moab was full and we spent the day coming up with another plan and extended our stay at Paradise.

Day 8: Drove into Bryce and had lunch at the Lodge. Stopped at Ruby’s for shopping on the way home.

Day 9: Did chores today, laundry, went to the local KOA and filled our propane tanks.

Day 10: Went to Bryce and visited the visitor center and rode the shuttle to a few viewpoints.

Day 11: Very cold and snowing today. Went to Bryce Canyon Pines restaurant for lunch.

Day 12: Power to Paradise was out today. Didn’t want to leave the cats alone – just hung out at home.

Day 13: Went to Bryce and walked around the Fairyland area.



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