Ouray (pronounced You-Ray) is such a cute little town. I visited it 30 some years ago and the only thing I didn't see that I had seen before was a bank from the 1800s.

We stayed at Ouray Cabins and RV Park which was right at the edge of town. We were able to walk into town along the river. This park was about $50 a night but it was very clean and convenient and had great WIFI. The owner is an ex-employee of Microsoft and this was some of the best WIFI I had on the trip. We didn't use the bathrooms, shower, or laundry, so can't comment.

We went into Ouray and visited Box Canyon Falls. It costs about $5.00 each. It's an interesting Falls. Sort of hidden in a Box Canyon but very powerful. I remember when I visited here before they provided sunflower seeds and I fed chipmunks by hand. They crawled on me. And a sparrow landed in my hand to get the seeds. No more of that. They have feeders out so you can see the birds and the chipmunks eat the ones that fall on the ground. Even tho they describe feeding animals as unnatural.
Next we went to see Cascade Falls which is also right in town. No charge here. You have to walk a little uphill but it isn't bad. Nice Falls.

Afterward we went to Ouray Brewery for an appetizer and a beer. We made a reservation for a jeep tour the next day. I wanted to do Imogene Pass to Telluride but it is snowed in! Impassable... buried in snow June 20th!

The next day we got up early and used our coupon to have breakfast at the Cafe in the RV Park. Then we went to West Colorado Tours to see Yankee Boy Basin. You can drive here yourself if you have a 4 wheel drive vehicle. Just make sure you feel secure driving in areas that are only wide enough for 1 vehicle and for driving over large rocks and thru water. The beginning of this drive is right near box canyon Falls. The company used a truck rather than a jeep.

Near the end of the trail where we had to turn around the snow was piled up higher than our vehicle. Along the way we saw mines, houses from back in the day, and a house that had been crushed by an avalanche. Our tour guide's father was a miner and he also worked in a mine so he had first hand experience.

Afterward we went to Colorado Boy Brewery for lunch, green chicken chili pizza and a beer flight. Then we looked in shops, bought T-shirts, and had an expresso shake at the chocolate shop - yum. We went back home and later walked along the river into town and ate dinner at Thai Chili - good.
The next day we went to Ridgway (the next town). Went to Ridgway State Park which was nice but a little odd because it was broken into pieces with separate entrances. Didn't stay long. Also went to the Dennis Weaver Memorial Park (donated by the family) which we liked a little better and was free. Before leaving town we ate at the Full Tilt Saloon.
